Key Stakeholders
Launceston, TAS
Excessive heat gain and damage in Retail Shopping Mall
This retail Shopping Mall in Launceston Tasmania was plagued with issues of excessive heat and glare under long corridors with glass roofs. Shoppers were leaving the indoor eating area under the blazing sunlight, and tenant retention was flagging. LED advertising displays had failed and there was even the risk of patrons burning themselves on shop fittings that were absorbing heat.
Reflective silver window tint was installed by Arcom Group to the inside face of the roof panels. This blocked over 70% of the heat gain through the glass, and with 82% glare reduction, the area was once again more comfortable. Patrons stayed longer at their tables and the retailers experience an increase in patronage. The Centre Manager reported a reduction in surface temperature from 57 degrees down to 27 degrees on comparable days, following the installation.
Karina M. - Centre Manager
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